Sunday, December 18, 2005

Fidayeen: A Surprise inside the mind of an "Islamic Terrorist"

Who is a terrorist? Is it a misguided youth with a gun...the angry young man, not knowing what to be angry at? Or is it a man who sells his life for money for the family? Who is a terrorist? More importantly, why is he a terrorist? Can a terrorist be brought back to society. Why do we and our society create such an environment that breeds such discontent that finds recourse in terrorism?

Or is it only another desperate attempt at grabbing power? Is the terrorist then just a dispensable pawn...and religion just an excuse?

A piece from today's Indian Express tries to look into the life of a terrorist:

Fidayeen Muzamil Jaleel goes to meet a would-be suicide bomber. And encounters a scared, almost simple lad who yearns for home and an ordinary life!

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